

Thinking of doing some exercise such as YOGA, but very lazy to start. Haiz...came bc to Butterworth, very happy but very boring cuz no more entertainment like KL. My room's air-cond was broke so this few nights, i slept with my dad, mom & bei bei. Haha~~

Finished cleaning my room & tidy all my things d, very relax now!!!

I stopped here!! Bye & Enjoy


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by Titi Tan... Powered by Blogger.


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Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia
I think I am a little muddled sometimes and persist in somethings like if I want to do it by my way then I will just go ahead. Well, I am also wild imaginings and be very susceptible to satire. I am also pleasure seeking and curious. Erm..my friends said I am slow in reacting like if I am in dangerous situation, but I still can just stand there to wait the dangerous come towards me...Haha..



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