

Yoohoo~i just finished my 2nd sem final exam this morning. So happy to announce here. I went to Alpha Angle Jusco KFC to celebrate Ballack's 22nd years old birthday with some of my coursemates including my Deer, YY, Mr. K, Loong Bro, Kent, Brian & his friend. After eating, we just sat around and chit-chat there for around 2 hours then we only back.

After back to my Deer's house, we played PSP(hope i mentioned it in correctly) then took a nap for 1 hour and half then went shopping with my Deer and his family. Finally, i have bought the 'woo hoo' from the Eu Yan Sang for RM68/set already. I am so glad on it.

After we took dinner at Mei Keng Fatt and again ate 'ho liao' lol then we continued shopping at Carrefour until 10pm something only back.

I was enjoying whole day even chit-chat with my bf's mum also could cheer me up. I was very appreciate of the sharing & caring from his mum.

OK, i stopped here ^^Nitez


lao po..i really happy that u r enjoy our time witme my family..thanx ohh

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by Titi Tan... Powered by Blogger.


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Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia
I think I am a little muddled sometimes and persist in somethings like if I want to do it by my way then I will just go ahead. Well, I am also wild imaginings and be very susceptible to satire. I am also pleasure seeking and curious. Erm..my friends said I am slow in reacting like if I am in dangerous situation, but I still can just stand there to wait the dangerous come towards me...Haha..



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