

In fact, human beings are greedy
Because humans are often not satisfied in the present, such as to seek a better, and even demand the best
But mankind has also forgotten its own is not perfect
So how can we live up best?

Once the human desire for,then hope will emerge
If your desire is helping others helps oneself, then it is worth your greed
If your desire is to hurt others and ourselves, and then your greed is painful

Similarly, I am human
I have a lot of desire and hope, but most that emerges is one of disappointment and despair
In fact, I hated my life now
But I can’t choose my life, so I do nothing
I must be considerate of others in order to do what I want to do
So in the end i even know that is my life for themselves or for others to do?
Or allow others to control my life?

Take a simple example then!
I had no freedom in my own 'FACEBOOK' even just to select a PROFILE PICTURE ... ...
Very funny, right?
I just want to put a still feel satisfied photos, but then some people would call to criticize this or that picture ugly, told me to put a smiling photo is better ... ...
But why?
If the photo goes on to the so-called smile is I hard squeezed out, is a hypocritical smile photo, then you think I will be more happy when show in my profile picture?
I was too lazy to explain, to talk about ... ...
Because if I explain my reasons, then
you all say I do not respect elders, do not listen to the elders
so why bother? So I chose to become one is not really me, so you will be satisfied with that, right?

You! That's you! I know that you only 0.0001% of the possibilities to visit my blog!
But I just want to ask you, who are you?
Why bother me? You already leave me around 1 year?
Why do you still appears in my dreams? Permeability of hate ... ...

When I look forward to family stay around, my family ignored me
When I look forward to he was beside me, he betrayed me
When I look forward to the time with friends, friends abandoned me

When I do not want family, my family care for me
When I do not want his appearance, yet love came to see me
When I do not want a friend, then friend support me
Is not ridiculous?

Let me return to my own, can’t?

Want to be my family, please do really care about me, not unconditional asked me to do what I don't want to do
Want to be my lover, please do really love me, but not keep betray me and hurt me
Want to be my friend, please do really cherish me, and do not always lie to me (good to me when in front of me, but talk my bad behind me)

I'll give you the last opportunity to stay by my side
Also gave me one last chance to put my trust on you
Dear God Grandpa, please do not pour cold water on me,
I will be having a long-term flu one.


Good night


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by Titi Tan... Powered by Blogger.


My photo
Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia
I think I am a little muddled sometimes and persist in somethings like if I want to do it by my way then I will just go ahead. Well, I am also wild imaginings and be very susceptible to satire. I am also pleasure seeking and curious. Erm..my friends said I am slow in reacting like if I am in dangerous situation, but I still can just stand there to wait the dangerous come towards me...Haha..



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