

I dun understand y nowadays those ppl wont admit their wrong but when we juz b kind to remind her then she will just lik spreading news out to others to let ppl misunderstand us or will shut the door up, close her laptop ... =="'

My dad's office got tis kind of clerk (shown above), then one of my housemate oso the same.
I m damn tired in facing tis kind of ppl. If ppl tel u wrg, but u dun thk so then u can juz explain but dun act lik u sangat pandai or after telling others tat how they 'bullY' you....
really wat the xXx....

I m super TAK SYOK now..!!!! @@


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by Titi Tan... Powered by Blogger.


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Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia
I think I am a little muddled sometimes and persist in somethings like if I want to do it by my way then I will just go ahead. Well, I am also wild imaginings and be very susceptible to satire. I am also pleasure seeking and curious. Erm..my friends said I am slow in reacting like if I am in dangerous situation, but I still can just stand there to wait the dangerous come towards me...Haha..



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