

Feel very depressed
Dunno what to do n what can do for my dad
This few days
my dad like a BOOM
once let him tak syok then he keep BOOM us
especially me & my mom
Hey, dad..tell me wat to do
Is u asked me to help you one...
Is u mentioned the Quotation hv to do it in details one
But once i Done, what you scold me?
You said i waste papers...
You said that if i do til very unhappy then dun need to do!!!!
What do you wan to expect from me?
Ya, i reli unhappy...
Did you ever think about me?
I am not study this course so I learn & learn
Even i told you that i will help you take over your company after i graduate
But what you express to me?
Scold? ok!! If the Ms. Ong so pandai, then just ask her do can d...
U said u wan us to help you but did u trust on us??
We are ur daughters & mummy is ur wife..
U trust HER more than trust us...
then what you wan to expect????
You murdered me just now!!!!!!
I hate you!!!! Hate to come bc Butterworth!!!!
This was the 3rd time d..
I felt very unhappy to come bc my home!!!!!

T_T very sad now!!!


eh...hermine don't so fast give up :)

em...i jz noe tht u r helping ur dad in managing his business. May be u can think from other way, because ur dad is the owner, sure he hv high stress on his business, he hope that u can help him in order to reduce the burderns that he bear. In case u r not study about this field, my advice is u can learn from Ms.Ong. i duno who is that person but from wat u write, i'm sure tht she is the one who hv experienceb about the operation of ur dad's company and she has doing things well so that ur dad truth on her. i'm not trying to say u r totaly wrong but in case, since u hv no specific knowledge in managing business, u should put ur effort to learn, learn from mistake and learn from anyone else who hv experience. i think mb is veli hard to put down ur identity as ur dady' daughter and treat urself as normal employee which everythings should learn from down, but i hope u can try lo...everythings that u duno, ask ppl lo, dun be sad because ur dad scold u, he has high expectation on u, so u also try to put effort on it, managing business is not an easy task.so cheer up gal!

To Joanne: Thx...i will +u one...

To Mei Mei: I noe i hv to learn from the mistake, may b u r right, my dad has high stress on his biz so since i promised him i will take over his biz after i graduate so he sure will put high expectation on me. But Mei, tis few days my dad reli very hot-tempered ler. And the Ms Ong, honestly she reli helped my dad alot in the past 6 years but her method was wrong, she made us now confuse all and hv to re-arrange back to simple but a clear way to understand. And hor, she reli 'xiao ren' one, owaz treat us good in front of us but complaint us in the back then my dad scold me pula. Sometimes when i ask her how to do, she owaz dun wan teach me one. When my dad ask me, i said she didn't teach me, then my dad dun trust me pun, How wor? Haiz...now i will ask her in front of my dad so tat she will ans me. Very kan kor lol, mei~~~kek sim nia...haiz..but anyway, i oso will cheer up one..hehe...if she dun wan teach me then i ma sendiri find out n straight away ask my dad lol..if not u oso study management eh ma, i can ask u or my cousin who oso study management. Account punya, i can ask YC ma...haiz..no choice lol..

little gal tahan abit la...*hug* anything u can ask for my help...i sit beside you nya ma...sumore the door alws open just to see u*wink* hehehe~~~

yerr..mi~~~wan lik tat meh?? i noe u owaz wan to c me de...hehe

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by Titi Tan... Powered by Blogger.


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Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia
I think I am a little muddled sometimes and persist in somethings like if I want to do it by my way then I will just go ahead. Well, I am also wild imaginings and be very susceptible to satire. I am also pleasure seeking and curious. Erm..my friends said I am slow in reacting like if I am in dangerous situation, but I still can just stand there to wait the dangerous come towards me...Haha..



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